Under the hood of all the Integration developer tools we provide is our RAMS API data engine that talks to RAMS and performs all the data related tasks.
API Features;
- Written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro so as to integrate directly with RAMS. This is the only way to integrate the required RAMS application core functions
- Usable in the latest development tools, there is now a single point of entry for all your other applications to read and edit RAMS data. Your developers can use the high level functions and let the API perform some very complex RAMS tasks
- Available in both Visual RAMS and Enterprise RAMS versions
- Using the WEB Service wrapper means it can be accessed from any web application anywhere in the world
- It’s lightweight and hence will draw little of your valuable server resources
- Incorporates all the RAMS business logic required to carry out the functions it performs. This includes Data Manager validation, RAMS core business logic PLUS you can easily integrate your own company specific business logic